While many individuals still have concerns regarding viruses associated with COVID, Community Services Foundation's top priority is to ensure the safety of those participating in and administrating our programs.
We continue to follow recommended state and local government guidance to ensure our programs and events comply with those safety guidelines.​
We thank you for your ongoing support!
Board Members

Rosann Redmon - Treasurer
Hometown: Washington, DC
School: Prince George's County & University of Maryland College Park
Proudest Moment In My Career: Being given the opportunity to work for NFAHS as the Controller
My Favorite Memory at CSF: I am new to the board, but I look forward to enhancing the lives of those with the communities we serve
Favorite Movie: "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
Favorite Sports Team: Washington Redskins
Most Rewarding Thing About Working at CSF: "Being able to give my time freely, without monetary gain, for a worthy cause."
Exciting Project Currently in Works: "I would have to say that my lifelong project is watching and teaching my grandson!"
Most Overused Phrase I Say: "Really?"
Song That Describes Me: " I Really Love the Lord"
Larry Davis, MPA, J.D.
Proudest Moment In My Career:
Book On My Nightstand:
My Favorite Memory at CSF:
Favorite Sports Team:
Most Rewarding Thing About Working at CSF:
Exciting Project Currently in Works:
Most Overused Phrase I Say:
Song That Describes Me:
Who Would You Dine with (Dead or Alive):

Robert K. Johns
Office: Director of Strategic Corporate and Community Engagement; Office of Corporate Relations; Howard University
Hometown: Compton, CA
School: Howard University, DC (Graduate School)
Proudest Moment In My Career: Receiving my Doctoral Degree
Book On My Nightstand: "Being Peace" (I've read it at least 100+ times)
Favorite Sports Team: Oakland Raiders
Most Rewarding Thing About Working at CSF: "Knowing that residents will be given exposure to programming that will positively impact their lives."
Exciting Project Currently in Works: Building an effective community development model that is based upon best practices.
Most Overused Phrase I Say: "Cool"
Song That Describes Me: "Trouble Man" by Marvin Gaye
Who Would You Dine with (Dead or Alive): My Father